Sunday, 21 April 2013


I want to Share these lovely Scrapping Boxes with you that I have done for my Loving Husband last year for Father's Day.  

I have not done written Journalling on these pages as there was to little space, so I used brads with wording on to say how I feel and hightlighted the flowers with these brads.

I rotated the matt at the back diagonal to draw your'e eye to the photo and highligted it at the bottom with an embellishment.

I used this Fiskas border punch for matting and creating the Vintage like borders.

I have used bling direct onto the Cardstock to highlight and embellish the birds.

I used rub-ones direct onto my photo's as there were no space for Journalling as well as giving my photo's a interesting look and telling a Story.

I hope you will find some inspiration in my Ideas and that you LOVE Scrapbooking just as must as I do.

God Bless Lizette

Friday, 19 April 2013


Good Morning to all my Dear Friends and fellow Crafters,

It has been raining from this morning early here in Hartbeespoortdam and quite chilly, I think winter has finally arrived.  This brings a smile to my face as I will then spend more time in my Studio as I hate to go out in Winter in the cold.

After cleaning and re-organizing my studio, I have rediscovered quite a few unfinished projects that I have been shifting from the one side of my Studio to the other side.  It never gets done and sometimes I get so angry with myself as I think that I will do it this week and that does not happen.  I came across this Article of Lisa Lelas and decided to follow her steps on Time Scheduling.  My unfinished projects has been put in a Vegetable container in the one side of my studio and the schedule for completing them pasted on front of the Container using flouresent papers squares.  I hope this article will help you sort out all those unfinished projects and getting you fired up for the next project....

Please feel free to send us your'e unfinished projects that you have finished with a Time Schedule that we can  Inspire our other Crafters.



Juggling multiple projects at one time is a major Organizing challenge for many creative people.  Scrapper's can easily utilize a large assortment of tools and supplies just for working on layouts and albums, so one can only imagine the mountain of products necessary when juggling projects from other artistic hobbies as well.  This can double or even triple the amount of unfinished projects on hand, wasting time and stealing prime storage space in your home or studio.  It's time to JUMP OFF the CRAFTING TREADMILL and finally FOCUS on crossing the FINISH LINE!!!!!

Recent studies have proven that the human brain does not respond well to performing various tasks at one time.  In Fact, working on just two projects simultaneously can take 3 - 4 times longer to complete than if you had focused on just one project at a time.  It's okay to have grandiose ideas for net projects, but the trick is to be able to file away those ideas effectively so they don't start diluting what you are already working on.

Realizing that it's difficult to clearly concentrate when working on multiple project at one time, it is best to stop the fantasy that you can.  Keep one current project out at a time and file away creative ideas for future projects by setting up and index card system.  Write out a new idea on a card and file it in a container, such as a recipe box or a Rolodex.  The simple act of writing it down should be enough to relieve some of the pressure and let you enjoy the task at hand.  Once the current project is completed, browse your idea file for the next project you'd like to tackle.

Set a tentative deadline date for each project.  You may want to date them according to preference, or according to which projects need to get done by a particular date.  For example, when you are immersed in project A, and and invitation arrives for a special event (such as a wedding for graduation, requiring a celebratory layout or album), project B now becomes priority.  Changing gears means labeling unfinished projects as works in progress and storing them elsewhere.  Any projects you have yet to start should be tossed into the idea file, using the card system detailed previously.

As you begin the process of prioritizing projects you would like to complete, it might also be a good time to review all unfinished projects from other hobbies as well.  If you've recently found joy in scrapbooking as a new hobby, for instance, take a hard look at some old hobbies that have either have diminished in interest or those that you just don't have time for anymore.  There might be a subconscious, reason for this.  Maybe knitting that unfinished sweater isn't as important anymore, or sanding and painting greenware pottery simply does not bring you the joy it once did.  Perhaps you and a friend, who has since moved away, enjoyed a particular hobby together.  If you haven't invested any time in the hobby since her departure, it might mean that the time spent with your friend was more important than the activity.  Take an honest look at all your arts and crafts from past hobbies and decide which ones still bring you joy.  Consider donating all unused craft supplies to local schools, churches, shelters, or nursing homes.  Artistic endeavors still of interest to you should be placed together in specific areas, labeled by hobby.

Having an inviting work space available is half the battle of keeping up your craft momentum.  Once you've cleared out all the half-finished projects you no longer want and have properly filled or stored away ideas and future projects, more space will be available in you craft area.  Keep you desk or craft table clear of everything but the work on hand.  Make sure everything you need to finish your current project is placed within an arm's reach.

If you still find that you need to complete several unfinished projects at the same time, create a time schedule for each.  Hang a chart on a wall near your craft table listing the projects you need to finish.  After each project, draw a grid of 5 - 10 squares, depending on how much time you think you will need to complete each one.  Each square will represent a chunk of time you can reasonably provide when working on a craft project.  If you can dedicate two hours every evening for crafting, then each square in the grid will represent two hours.  If you prefer crafting for five uninterrupted hours on a weekend, then the squares might represent five hours each.  If project A is projected to take ten hours to complete, you would put five two-hour squares or two five-hours squares beside it on the chart.  Decide how many squares on the grid will be needed to complete each project and check off the appropriate squares as you make the time work on projects.  Having a time chart in front of you not only keeps the projects in focus but serves as a reminder to get them completed.  Remember, even if rotating several projects, it is important to put every unfinished project completely away before starting another.

This Article was found in Scrapbooking & Beyond - Issue 36.  
Lisa Lelas is a professional organizer, lifestyle coach and author/speaker.  You can visit her website on


Have a lovely weekend and Happy Crafting!!!

Friday, 12 April 2013


Good Morning all My fellow Scrappers and Bloggers,

Chaos in my Studio this morning......

I am really getting organised, this is my three tables that is still in "Chaos" this morning but before the afternoon Rugby game that I need to be at to take photos for my youngest boy Erasmus (that is in Matric this year) and playing  1st Team, this must be done, as I want to be packing kits tomorrow for my fellow scrappers coming to visit me on Sunday for a lovely Scrap and Chat......

I was reading this interesting article last night at 11:30pm, after a dreading day in my Studio.  I am busy organising and throwing out stuff that I have not used in ages......Just getting organised is a Mayor thing for me before I get started on a project, when I got to "The Someday Soon Scrapper", I really laughed out loud, (with hubby fast asleep, next to me) as this is so me!!!!!! What can I say......I need to take these tips into consideration for my next project and this is a MUST for me....  I really wanted to Share this article with you as I want to see in which Category you Fall.....

You are the queen Packrat of craft supplies....scrapbook supplies are endless, to the point of sometimes forgetting what's purchases!  If you are a "saver", It is likely that you worktable has long since become a storage pile of boxes, bags and bins filled to the brim with paper, tools, embellishments and all that you can think of that will enhance you pages.  The pro side of being a "saver" is having an ample selection of supplies at your fingertips, but the con side is not able to find what you need for any current project you are working on - and do not have a clear working space in which to work.

Take a few moments to really think how you would like your work area or (if you are lucky) your own Scrap room to look like.  Imagine any item you don't use or love to give away to one of your other scrapbook friends.  Start the decluttering process.  Organize all like items together, put them into labeled bins and place them nearby, but off your work surface.  Challenge yourself to toss out a few items each day that you don't use or need.  Any personal items or memory clutter that you don't need for Scrapbooking (but can not seem to part with) should be placed in a box and moved out of the room you are working in, so there are no distractions or obvious clutter holding you back.

You will not even start a new scrapbook layout or album without first being sure it will be done the right way.  You will research, shop and collect just those items that you are sure to make your Scrapbook project a Masterpiece.  The pro side of being a "perfectionist" is having that complete vision of what you want to accomplish.  However, the con side is the constant fear of starting something that may not live up to your own expectations.

Hang a sign above your work space that reads "JUST BEGIN".  The only wrong way is not starting at ALL."  Consider starting your album with a baby step approach.  Make the time for getting just one page completed.  Then, schedule the time to complete the next page, and so on.  If you think it wont get done to your perfectionist standards, remember that you can always go back and add final touches later.  The important thing is to dive in whit what you already have at hand.  Keep in mind that your creative process will not be judged, only enjoyed by others!

You are the Classic who spends more time moving papers and supplies around and getting ready to begin a project than actually making the time to begin it.  Your tendency is to waste time and energy preparing the site and getting sidetrack with the other things life throws in front of you.  The pro side of being a "Someday Soon Scrapper" is always having not creative energy and imagination ready to tap into, but the con side is never quite finding the time.

Remember that the more time you spend moving things around and making decisions, the less time you will have to actually create Scrapbook pages.  Begin adding craft time to you daily to-do list or log it into your weekly planner.  If you can not figure out why you keep putting it off, put pen to paper and try lo list what obstacles are blocking your start.  Work on them, one at a time, until things get done.  Consider teaming up with a friend, whereby you both make time together to work on Scrapbook pages regularly each week or month.

Article - by Lisa Lelas - 7th Anniversary Issue of Scrapbooking & Beyond
You can visit her website at